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Choosing the Best STEM Toys for Your Kids

Toys that Combine Learning and Fun

You may have heard of STEM before in discussions surrounding academics, but perhaps you’re still wondering exactly what are STEM toys. The acronym stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, all areas of knowledge which are important to personal and professional development. In school, teachers focus on building strength in these disciplines, and you can support this learning with specialized toys. STEM toys come in all shapes and sizes and work to introduce these concepts to children of various ages. When you give children STEM toys, you give them a chance to further their thinking and learning skills. These skills can be vital to future jobs or school concepts and may spark a love of science, math, technology, or engineering. It doesn’t matter how old or experienced your kid is as there are toys and kits for different ages and stages of development. With these useful tips and STEM gift ideas, you can determine which STEM toys are best for your child at each point along their learning journey.

Choosing STEM Toys Within a Child’s Age Range

As they age, children go through different stages of mental and physical growth. Because of this, it’s wise to select STEM toys that work with their current developmental level. To help with this, most toys come with a recommended age range within the product specifications. Select toys that fall within your child’s age group or slightly ahead to give them something to work on after a year or two.

If you have very young children, look for toys that help them understand basic skills. Choose baby toys that assist in color or number learning and work on fine motor skills. Children respond well to simple STEM toys that focus on stimuli such as touch and sound, so keep that in mind while shopping.

With slightly older kids, consider buying STEM toys that match up with the topics they are currently learning in school. Select toys that reinforce current lessons or concepts to help them understand the ideas better. You can look at what they will learn in the following months or years and try to get educational toys that offer them a head start.

Start with the Basics

The best STEM toys for kids to start with are ones that are straightforward and easy. This is especially true when it comes to kits. Select toys that don’t assume kids already have a basic knowledge of concepts and that come with full and descriptive instructions. Choose kits and projects that specifically state they work for beginners, so their first experiences with STEM toys have the best chance at success.

More complex toys can offer a fun, and informative experience, but beginners may find them overwhelming. If you want a kit with more advanced options, check to see if they have easy projects to start with as a stepping stone to more intricate concepts. Additionally, toys that reinforce STEM subjects by explaining how things work the way they do may encourage kids to pursue future career paths and hobbies.

Toys Designed with the Future in Mind

One of the most important benefits of STEM toys is the strong foundation they provide to gaining a solid understanding of current and upcoming technologies or studies. Based on this, consider purchasing toys that hold the basics of real-world careers. While some kits or toys offer early programming or scientific method concepts, others involve physically constructing robotics devices that can be maneuvered by an app on your smartphone or tablet. Introducing these ideas early during play can solidify them in potential jobs or academics. Giving kids of any age toys that hone skills in critical thinking, problem solving and using their creativity will point them in a direction of success for their future.

Aim for Kids’ Interests

A great way to get children to take notice of STEM concepts is to target activities they already enjoy so they don’t even realize they’re learning while they’re having fun. Is there a show they’re into? Do they think dinosaurs are neat? What’s their favorite cartoon character? Choosing kits and toys with designs and themes they already show an interest in will help ensure they get the most out of the experience.

Children learn by playing, especially when it doesn’t feel like school or studying, which is why it’s important to keep things fun for them. Sticking with modern trends and culture may hold a child’s attention better than something that feels prescriptive and assigned. Keep this in mind while looking for STEM toys for young children and choose bright and colorful packaging that may capture a kid’s interest.

Allow Kids the Freedom to Learn

While STEM toys may have detailed instructions and explanations, some of the best choices are all about freedom. The ideal toy lets your kid do the work themselves and allows them to pose questions and discover answers on their own. Toys and activities that are child-led help build confidence and self-reliance. Parents can take part and help, but the toy should let the kid be in charge and independent.

Plus, it helps to pick toys that provide open-ended play. For science kits, find ones that allow experimentation, including trial and error, rather than following strict rules. Simple building blocks are a good example of this. You might also want to consider choosing toys that are gender neutral so that they can be passed down and enjoyed by more than one child. STEM learning benefits children of all backgrounds and abilities, so selecting toys that are inclusive and have good accessibility is a smart move.